Jewellery care and repair

Silver jewellery sold by is made with durability and sustainability in mind. However, silver is a soft metal and if not treated adequately it can get easily scratched and deformed. Also, some gemstones may be brittle or get scratched by objects with higher hardness than the stone itself. If you wish to keep your new piece of jewellery in good condition for as long as possible, there are several things you can do:

How to wear your jewellery

Jewellery as a form of body adornment is meant to be worn and therefore will be often exposed to the elements and will react to them. The most common reaction is tarnishing. Silver reacts to the environment it finds itself in and can tarnish as a result of exposure to various types of chemicals, oxygen or bodily fluids. Cleaning agents, body lotions, perfumes, but also minerals in the water or food items may cause silver tarnishing. It is a natural process that cannot be avoided completely but can be partially prevented by not wearing jewellery when cleaning and cooking and remembering to put jewellery on after all makeup and perfumes are applied.

Patinated silver will eventually fade as a result of abrasion of the top layer caused by wearing. This can not be avoided, but patina can be re-applied if necessary.

It is also possible to embrace the tarnishing process and development of natural patinas that are unique to the wearer and environment and let the silver grow into its natural colour.

Some softer semi-precious stones such as opals, turquoise and also pearls can be damaged when exposed to chemicals and therefore it is always recommended to take your jewellery off when working with cleaning products, cooking or just applying perfumes.

As mentioned above, silver is a soft metal and can be deformed if not worn properly or if exposed to huge pressure. It is advisable to remove all your jewellery for your safety when performing tasks that require manual work, sport etc.

How to store your jewellery

For the best result store your jewellery either in the original box or wrapped in acid-free cloth/paper where it is protected and not touching other objects including other pieces of jewellery as those may scratch the piece if they contain materials of higher hardness than silver.

Silver can tarnish also when stored in boxes and may require occasional cleaning.

How to clean your jewellery

The safe way to clean your jewellery is to wash it in lukewarm soapy water with a cotton cloth or very soft toothbrush. Brush your jewellery in one direction and try to avoid circular movements as those may articulate tiny scratches on the surface.

Never use commercial products for patinated jewellery as this will remove the patina.


If anything breaks, please, do get in touch preferably through the contact form on The damage will be assessed and if possible repaired free of charge.

Free of charge repair does not apply to situations where the piece of jewellery wasn’t worn properly, cared for or intentionally damaged.

Please do get in touch if you have any further questions or concerns via email at, social media accounts or use the contact form on this website.
